Announcing the Completion of
The Collected Works of Witness Lee

About The Collected Works of Witness Lee

By the end of 2018 The Collected Works of Witness Lee will be completed and made available in its entirety. This represents a monumental step in church history because it is a faithful preservation of the ministry that has been given by the Lord to His church for the growth and building up of the Body of Christ. Concerning this ministry, Brother Lee testifies, “It is a fact of history in the Lord’s recovery that any church which follows the ministry is strong and blessed. But those churches which neglect the ministry and try instead to do something on their own have become a failure...My burden is to produce groceries. The churches and the saints are free either to use them or to disregard them. But if the saints cast away the nourishment found in these messages, I wonder what they will feed on. We are what we eat. If we eat the ‘groceries’ produced in today’s religion, we shall be part of religion. Let me say in frankness and honesty that the leading ones need to take ‘these things’ and lay them before the saints that they may be nourished” (Life-study of 1 Timothy, p. 71). (Read More...)

The Collected Works of Witness Lee

Ordering Options

In anticipation of the completion of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, Living Stream Ministry is offering two programs to purchase the entire set of 136 volumes at a significant discount. (Read More...)

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