Ground of the Church and the Law of Blessing for the Church, The
  • Ground of the Church and the Law of Blessing for the Church, The

Ground of the Church and the Law of Blessing for the Church, The

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Our central focus is Christ as everything to us. In order to enjoy Christ and express Him, we need the church life, and to have the church life, we need the proper ground. Without the proper, definite ground, how can we come together to have the Body life? To say that we need a definite ground does not mean that we have to choose between two different, but divisive, grounds. It means that we need to come together, not to one certain place or another according to our respective understandings, but to the proper ground of oneness. When we come back to meet on the ground of oneness, we enjoy the Lord with His blessing (Psa. 133).

Moreover, it is only when we learn to live in the spirit and exercise our spirit to contact the Lord that we will ever be truly spiritual. Regardless of how much we talk about spirituality and listen to spiritual messages, if we are not living in the spirit and do not know how to exercise our spirit to contact the Lord, we can never have genuine spirituality. These two things are vital—to be on the proper ground and to be in the spirit.


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Published by
Living Stream Ministry
Witness Lee