Ministry Digest (periodical), vol. 04, no. 04
  • Ministry Digest (periodical), vol. 04, no. 04

Ministry Digest (periodical), vol. 04, no. 04

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Inside this Issue:

The History of the Lord’s Recovery

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1950-1951, vol. 1, “The Recovery of the Church according to the Pattern on the Mountain”

  1. Fellowship concerning District Meetings (2)
  2. Fellowship concerning Caring for the Meeting Hall
  3. Fellowship concerning Visitation (1)
  4. Fellowship concerning the Deacons and the Deacons’ Office

Words for New Believers

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932-1949, vol. 4, “Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, Volume 5”

  1. Entering into the Kingdom of the Heavens (Part 10)
  2. Entering into the Kingdom of the Heavens (Part 11)
  3. Entering into the Kingdom of the Heavens (Part 12)
  4. Entering into the Kingdom of the Heavens (Part 13)

Maturing in Life

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1972, vol. 2, “The Kingdom”

  1. The Reality of the Kingdom (2)
  2. The Reality of the Kingdom (3)
  3. The Appearance of the Kingdom
  4. The Manifestation of the Kingdom (1)

The High Peak of the Divine Revelation

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994–1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans”

  1. The Structure of the Gospel of God—the Righteousness of God, the Life of Christ, and the Faith of the Believers (2)
    The Essence of the Life of Christ
  2. The Structure of the Gospel of God—the Righteousness of God, the Life of Christ, and the Faith of the Believers (3)
    The Essence of the Faith of the Believers (1)
  3. The Structure of the Gospel of God—the Righteousness of God, the Life of Christ, and the Faith of the Believers (4)
    The Essence of the Faith of the Believers (2)
  4. The Structure of the Gospel of God—the Righteousness of God, the Life of Christ, and the Faith of the Believers (5)
    The Essence of the Faith of the Believers (3)

Data sheet

Published by
Living Stream Ministry